
Install the package

You can install the package via composer:

composer require renoki-co/clusteer

To customize the configuration, you may deploy the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RenokiCo\Clusteer\ClusteerServiceProvider"

Installing Node.js prerequisites

The leveraged package is written in Node.js, so Node.js 10.x+ is needed on the machine. In the project root (expecting you may be using Laravel, but it works for vanilla PHP projects too), install the following prereqs:

npm install --save \
    dotenv@^8.2.0 \
    express@^4.17.1 \
    express-healthcheck@^0.1.0 \
    puppeteer@^5.5.0 \
    puppeteer-cluster@^0.22.0 \

Installing Chromium

The server relies on Chromium, so you can find a simple way of getting your Chrome binary file, like staudenmeir/dusk-updater.

Below you will find some examples to install the chromium binary:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y libnss3 chromium-browser

# check the binary
/usr/bin/chromium-browser --version

Once ready, you can set up in your env the CLUSTEER_CHROMIUM_PATH variable to define the binary that will be used for the headless browser.

Last updated