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Taking a screenshot

To screenshot a page, just call withScreenshot():

$clusteer = Clusteer::to('https://example.com')
$screenshotAsBase64 = $clusteer->getScreenshot();

The image comes in base64 and gets decoded in the package automatically. If you wish to retrieve it as base64, just call getScreenshot(false) instead:

$screenshotAsBinary = $clusteer->getScreenshot(false);

You can also set the quality of the screenshot by calling withScreenshot($quality), where $quality is a number between 0 and 100:

$clusteer = Clusteer::to('https://example.com')
    ->withScreenshot(75) // 75% quality

Setting the viewport

You may also change the viewport for the screenshot, and it can be done with setViewport():

$clusteer = Clusteer::to('https://example.com')
    ->setViewport(1280, 720)

Last updated