๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€ Custom Actions

Besides the built-in actions, you are free to extend them as you like. Before diving in, make sure to check the Custom Script documentation, as the following example requires custom server.js file.

Creating the class

All classes must extend the \RenokiCo\Clusteer\Actions\Action class and implement the \RenokiCo\Clusteer\Contracts\Actionable interface.

use RenokiCo\Clusteer\Actions\Action;
use RenokiCo\Clusteer\Contracts\Actionable;

class TypeDunnoLolEmoji extends Action implements Actionable

When processing your action, it requires the input data (such as what it should do), and on the other side, the formatted data that will be sent to the script is going to be placed in a format() method:

use RenokiCo\Clusteer\Actions\Action;
use RenokiCo\Clusteer\Contracts\Actionable;

class TypeDunnoLolEmoji extends Action implements Actionable
    protected $selector;

    public function __construct(string $selector)
        $this->selector = $selector;
     * Format to an array that can instructm and be read
     * by the JS script to perform a specific action.
     * @return array
    public function format(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'type-emoji', // required
            'selector' => $this->selector,
            'emoji' => 'ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ',

One last thing is to check our server.js file and add a new option to handle the action called type-emoji:

await actions.reduce(async (promise, action) => {
  // ...

  if (action.name === 'type-emoji') {
    await page.type(action.selector, action.emoji);
  // ...

In your PHP code, you may invoke the action() method. Additionally, all classes that extend the Action class will have a static new method that's useful:


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